The festival occupies several spaces in the cities of Braga, Barcelos, Guimarães and Porto, where it showcases diferent photography and visual arts exhibitions. Some of these exhibitions are the result of a direct invitation to the photographer, others are the result of the finalista of the award - Discovery Awards 2020.
Portfolio Reviews
The Portfolio Review is an important moment of the festival. All national and international photographers are invited to submit their work to the Emergentes 2020 - International Photography Award Encontros da Imagem, if selected they will have the possibility to come to Braga, to present their works to a group of international jury (Museum and Festival Directors, Gallerists, Curatrs, Editors, etc.). This activity is an important platform where photographers and critics exchange ideas and were critics help develop and promote the photographers work. The winners of Emergentes 2020 - International Photography Award Encontros da Imagem, a direct result of the portfolio review will receive monetary awards and will have they work exhibited in the next edition of the festival.
In order to show the works of new emerging talent, showcasing national and international artists, the festival as the pleasure of inviting photographers working with the medium of photography to apply to various awards that will be promoted under this years theme "Genesis". The awards are the following : Discovery Awards, Emergentes - International Photography Award and Photobook Awards.
In partneship with the University of Minho and other photography schools, the festival will organize masterclasses, within this years theme "Genesis".
Artistic Residencies
Encontros da Imagem since the beginning has always had the main goal of contributing to the collective memory, not only of Braga but also by showing the process and evolution of photography. The festival started to do the artistic residencies in the nineties and the result was good photography work, that has registered the city of Braga throughout the years - "Memories of the City". This year the festival is bringing back the artistic residencies under this years theme "Genesis".
Photography Projections
As part of the program, the festival will organize different Photography Projections in public and private spaces in Braga.
Cinema Cycle
As part of the program, the festival will organize a Cinema Cycle, where the films shown will be under this years theme "Genesis".
Educational Services
Since the beginning, the festival as always been aware of it's pedagogical and formative responsibility. So for that reason it develops the education services that is divided in two big areas: Guided Tours and Photography Workshops for school kids.