Cristiano Volk
Elsa Leydier
Vincen Beeckman
Kai Yokoyama
The day you were born, I wasn
Leticia, Lua, Lowen and Liam Valverdes Stevens
Meus Filhos Agora Sabem
Joana Dionísio
And the shape of things disappeared for a while
Ariadna Silva Fernández
Cartografia do Esquecimento
Álvaro Gómez Pidal
Like Manolete on the eve of his death
Donna Ferrato
Look up! Heads up!
Bruno Silva
Coimbra B
Daniel Szalai
Alisa Martynova
Nowhere Near
Schore Mehrdju
The Second
Fábio Cunha
Rua Fonte do Mundo
Phelim Hoey
La Machine
Patrícia Barbosa
William Lakin
Five Minutes After Birth
Juan Baraja
Corviale (da série Utopie Abitative)
Benjamin Rasmussen
The Land That Never Has Been Yet
Silvia Rosi
Jill Guigley
Cottages of Quigley’s Point
Lara Jacinto
Dentro e Fora
Massimiliano Gatti
Le nuvole
Silvy Crespo
The Land of Elephants
Alex Kemman
The Greater Zab, The Last Free River of Mesopotamia
Manolo Espaliú
Welcome to the Paradise
Freya Najade
The Silent Passing of Things
Tamara Eckhardt
The Children of Carrowbrowne
Paola Paredes
Until you change
Michele Spatari
No Place Like Hope
David Burnett
Anabela Pinto
Precious Things
Inês Norton
Spiros Zervoudakis
Terra incognita
Vikesh Kapoor
See You at Home
Ingrid Weyland
Topographies of Fragility
Elena Helfrecht
Lesia Maruschak
This Land Was Made For You And Me
Panos Charalampidis + Mary Chairetaki
Inherently Unpredictable and Reassuringly Expectable
Carmelo Nicosia
O Rugido e a Canção
Renato Roque
Escrito com Cal e com Luz
Diogo da Cruz
Looking up from Underneath
David Creedon
Behind Open Doors
Bruce Gilden