EMERGENTES — Internacional PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD Encontros da Imagem
The award Emergentes 2022 - International Photography Award Encontros da Imagem is organized by Encontros da Imagem - International Photography and Visual Arts Festival aims to award the Best Portfolios in Contemporary Photography. This year the Portfolio Reviews that give photographers the opportunity to show their work to curators, gallery owners, publishers and museum and festival directors will take place online. The online reviews will take place on the week of the 19th to the 23rd of September 2022 during this edition of the festival.
Barbara Hofmann-Johnson
Director of Museum for Photography Braunschweig Northern Germany (DE)
Cindy Sissokho
Curator, Cultural producer and Writer (UK)
Elaine Harris
Talent Agent (UK)
Elsa Garcia
Director of the Umbigo Magazine (PT)
Hana Kaluznick
Assistant Curator, Photography at the Victoria and Albert Museum V&A (UK)
Jean-Christophe Godet
Founder and artistic director of the Guernsey Photography Festival Normandia (GG)
Max Fergusson
Photographer, writer and curator (UK)
Roberto Villalón
Magazine Director Clavoardiend (ES)
Susana Lourenço Marques
Independent Curator (PT)
Tanvi Mishra
Photo editor, Curator and Writer (IN)
Eyal Landesman
Artistic director of the Israeli International Photography Festival (IL)
Anne-Françoise Lesuisse
Director of BIP - Biennale de l'Image Possible (CH)
1st Place
M'hammed Kilito - Before it's gone
2nd Place
Victoria Jung - Birds Of Passage
3rd Place
Madelaine Ekserciyan - Mayrig
Andrea Graziosi - ANIMAS
Cédric Dasesson - Common places
Ciro Battiloro - SANITA'
Clea T. Rekhou - On the edge
Natalya Saprunova - We used to live in the Tundra.
Ney Milá- Tris-
Simon Emond - Reshaping the Sky