Constructed Landscapes

Fotografias de Inês d’Orey a partir do livro de Valdemar Cruz

28 sep – 19 oct 2024
ZET Gallery

  • Exhibitions
  • Braga

Curator: Helena Mendes Pereira

Constructed Landscapes

Inês d’Orey takes as her starting point for this exhibition the photographic work developed for the book Paisagens Construídas — O passado e o presente da arquitetura portuguesa em 16 obras+1, by Valdemar Cruz. A selection of 16 large-format photos, which offers a unique journey through the multiple architectural proposals developed over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, thanks to the powerful artistic environment contained in Inês d’Orey’s gaze. More than simple formal records, Inês is carrying out audacious research on the buildings and their contexts, to the point of constructing her own discourse on the works photographed, outside or independent of the texts associated with them. She doesn’t contradict them, but rather complements them with a different look, allowing for new reading possibilities.

ZET Gallery
R. do Raio 175, 4710-923 Braga

Opening Hours:

Monday – Saturday
