De Passagem

Mário Martins

10 sep – 13 oct 2024
The Cave Photography

  • Exhibitions
  • Porto

Curators: Mafalda Martins, Miguel Refresco, Rui Pinheiro and Sérgio Correia

De Passagem — Moçambique 1970–1973

“A gaze upon the gaze, revisiting a personal archive of original photographs, printed over 50 years ago. A wandering narrative that contains parts of an organised, commented and partially closed collection, which includes elements of the photographic practice, printing experiments, technical notes and chemical and physical processes. Images that transcend the date they were taken, revealing the underlying reason that precedes them, somewhere between the exercise of contestation and the act of survival. 50 years after the April Revolution, the possibility of scrutinising the Colonial War from multiple perspectives, in an intrinsic dialogue between memory and contemporaneity that transposes linear history and opens it up to new understandings.”

The Cave Photography — Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis
R. de Dom Manuel II 44, 4050-342 Porto

Opening Hours:

Tuesday – Sunday
