Legacies of Colonialism
Encontros da Imagem 2024
Curator: Elina Heikka
What is the legacy of colonialism? How are the consequences of European colonialism manifested today?
Encontros da Imagem festival explores the legacies of colonialism from a geographically and historically broad perspective not just focusing on the colonial past of Portugal and its former colonies. The festival presents photographers from more than ten countries, each of sharing with us an opportunity to reflect the characteristics of the European imperialist and colonial expansion. Colonialism has undeniably been one of the defining forces of modern world history.
For several photographers, topics of their photographic projects arise from their own family history and personal experience, while some others are approaching the colonial history from larger perspective, discussing history of a country or nation. Many of them use archival material in their work. Legitimate experience of historical injustice is an important driving force for the photographic projects and a common nominator among the photographers.
To put it shortly, colonialism refers to domination of one culture, society or nation over another. By diversity of perspectives introduced by the photographers the burden of colonialism is made visible and traced back to the colonial past. The legacy of colonialism still lives in our midst: in people’s minds, in everyday life, in the socio-economic structures of society and, in its darkest form, in the various forms of racism, intolerance and violence.
Sammy Beloji
Ofir Berman
Augusto Brazio
Omar Vitor Diop
Marja Helander
Ayrton Heráclito
Amilton Neves
Varvara Uhlik
Marques Valentim
Margot Wallard
Sofia Yala